
Dear Potential Sponsor

The Kentucky Blasting Conference (KBC) Board hopes you are as excited for the upcoming conference we are, and we are very much looking forward to seeing you there! Vendor registration is open (http://vendors.kyblastingconference.com/). We already have several vendors signed up, so make sure to register your company as a vendor to ensure you get your choice of booth location. Whether or not you decide to be a vendor, we want you to know that we have some exciting new sponsorship benefits this year. The following outline provides a breakdown of sponsorship levels and benefits.

Black Powder Level


Coffee Sponsor


Company logo on signage

Company logo on the KBC website for the year.

Company logo on other communication items

ANFO Level


Lunch Sponsor


Company logo on signage

Company logo on the KBC website for the year.

Company logo on other communication items

Emulsion Level


Bar/Reception Sponsor


Company logo on signage

Company logo on the KBC website for the year.

Company logo on other communication items

Dynamite Level


Ice Cream, popcorn and other high level items (first come first serve)


Company logo on signage

Company logo on the KBC website for the year.

Company logo on other communication items

Booster Level


(Limit 1)
Display your company name and logo on a custom lanyard everyone will wear!


Company logo on signage

Company logo on the KBC website for the year.

Company logo on other communication items

In addition to the sponsorship benefits listed in this table, 10% of all sponsorship revenue will go toward the Nancy Cole-Allen Memorial Scholarship Fund.

If you are interested in supporting the KBC as a sponsor, please contact Brian Lewis or Dana Coppage at kyblastconference@gmail.com. We look forward to welcoming you to the 51st Annual Kentucky Blasting Conference!


Brian Lewis
Conference Coordinator/Treasurer
Kentucky Blasting Conference